June 8-10, 2006. Group Road Trip in the Big Red Van (Eugene, Peter, Ruth Monica, Chantal, Jan, Sacha, and Nand taking the photo) to the 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration in Orem, Utah. The theme of this 25th anniversary meeting is "25 Years of Progress: What Have We Learned?"

May 22th, 2006 Continuing the April very HOT topic "Destiny and/or Create your own Reality".  Open discussion.

April 24th, 2006 Book discussion on Michael Talbot's The Holographic Universe supplemented by presentation by SSE member Dr Lev Sadovnik (hologram expert) to share his expertise and perspectives!

March 23rd, 2006 "New Paradigm create-your-own-reality vs. Destiny" facilitated by Jan Louise Petersen

February 16th, 2006 remote viewing (RV). Chantal just attended Russell Targ's RV workshop up in Esalen this past weekend. Nand and Dennie also present an overview of their respective RV approach.

February 15th, 2006, Group Field Trip to MUFON Orange County to hear 
Joe McMoneagle on "Three Keys to Remote Viewing of UFO Targets”. Joe McMoneagle, former Remote Viewer #001 of the U.S. Army classified Project Star Gate, and arguably one of the best remote viewers in the world today, will present an inspiring talk on what he considers to be the keys to successful remote viewing of UFO targets.

January 19th, 2006 Topic: "Portraying consciousness through film" led by Ava B. and llmar Task, House of Film.  

October 9th  2006, Monday, in Redondo Beach, 7:30pm, the guest will be Norman Baker.   Norman was into moving along in life until one day he had a horrific accident which crippled him. Norman "repaired" himself and now works to improve the planet. He uses sound to "heal" and is well connected to the higher self.  The health benefits and culture of Kombuchka will also be discussed. 

September 18th, 2006, Monday, at Diane’s home in Santa Monica for a pot luck……7 pm till whenever, no speaker a just community get together.  Contact Nand  for details and for signing up for the potluck.  I will be out for most of September, and Diane has graciously volunteered to host this.   

August 28th, 2006 "UFO Crash Retrievals--the Evidence and the Inferences" by SSE Member Dr. Bob Wood.  Bob holds a Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering from Colorado and a Ph.D. in physics from Cornell.  Bob has a 43-year career at McDonnell Douglas managing research and development projects and over thirty years of investigation into UFOs.

July 24th, 2006 Discussion of the movies "One" and "The Secret" which some of us had the chance to view at our recent field trip to Malibu!  I hope to interject some salient points from the book “The Isaiah Effect" by Greg Bradden which Denny Gooding lent me that very day and which turned out to be quite timely to themes in both movies.
June 26th, 2006 discussing our experiences etc from the Annual SSE meeting in Utah early June. (seven of us rented a van to go up there as a group, fun times! Overnight stops in Bryce and Zion)  http://www.scientificexploration.org/meetings/meeting25-sked.html

July 12-26, 2019 Qigong-2 Seminar Medical Qigong covering The Eight Pieces of Brocade, Five Animal Sports, Four Seasons, and Meridian Qigong. Qigong-8 Seminar Muscle/tendon Changing & Brain/Marrow Washing covering both theory and practice of Budi Damo's (Bodhidharma) Muscle/Tendon Changing and Marrow/Brain Washing Qigong and Grand Circulation Qigong. More here: https://ymaa.com/seminars

June 25-28, 2019  The Science of Consciousness - 2019 Interlaken - Switzerland, 26th annual international interdisciplinary conference on fundamental questions and cutting-edge issues connected with conscious experience. Poster on: "Is our Consciousness a Holographic Construct of Parallel Multiverses?" https://www.tsc2019-interlaken.ch 

June 15th, 2019 Saturday at 6:00pm at Chantal’s Discussion on the recent Annual SSE conference on Consilience*: Developing the Foundations of a New Scientific Paradigm.​


​September 17-23, 2017 Fredericksburg, TX, Dr. Steven Greer CE-5 Astronomy Event https://siriusdisclosure.com/unacknowledged-film/

August 26, 2017 Saturday, 500pm at Chantal’s share information about two conferences for this meeting: The 36th Annual Conference of the Society for Scientific Exploration at Yale University “Expanding the Boundaries of Science” and the 2017 MUFON Symposium, Las Vegas, “ The Case for the Secret Space Program”, as well as recent Orange County MUFON updates.

July 21-24, 2017, MUFON Symposium, Las Vegas, NV,  "A Case for the Secret Space Program" MUFON is the world's oldest and largest civilian UFO investigation & research organization. https://www.mufon.com

February 5, 2017 Sunday Craig and Florence’s home -General Discussion

TBD, 2020, 9am-5pm "Basic & Clinical Applications of the Latest Medical Science and the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test (BDORT)" by Professor Yoshiaki Omura M.D., Sc.D., F.A.C.A., F.I.C.A.E., F.A.A.I.M., F.R.S.M  https://bdort.org/seminars.html Postponed due to COVID-19

TBD, 2020,  Four Points by Sheraton, Los Angeles Westside.  Workshop - The Bengston Energy Healing Method®  https://bengstonresearch.com/workshops Postponed due to COVID-19​​


December 29, 2018 Friday 6pm at Chantal’s Informal year-end get together recapping year's activities and lessons learned.

October 25-27, 2018 Phoenix, AZ, Dr. Jerry Tennant's Biomodulator Integrated Health Conference on the human body’s battery packs, wiring system, and the physics of how our electronic systems are affected

November 14-18, 2018, Portland, Oregon:  Transforming the Heart of Agriculture, awakening and enlivening co-creative relationships between humans and the earth, transforming the practice and culture of agriculture to renew the vitality of the earth, the integrity of our food, and the health and wholeness of our communities. https://www.biodynamics.com

September 30, 2018 Saturday Spit Fire Grill, Santa Monica, General Discussion of past events.

September 13-16th, 2018 British Dowsers Conference, University of Leicester, UK,  encouraging and supporting the study and practice of dowsing and its application in every field of human interest. Dowsing is a varied set of methodologies to answer questions that logical reason could not provide. in essence, developed through self training, diligent practice and a profound knowledge of how the universe really functioned, a way of “knowing things” via the faculty of what has been called the “hidden senses”.

July 15th, 2018 Sunday, at 6:00pm at Chantal’s Discussion of the  latest SSE IRVA conference Applications of Edge Science and the future Euro Conference in planning stages.

October 18th-21st, 2012 An Grianán, Ireland, European SSE joint conference with Scientific and Medical Network Mapping Time, Mind and Space

​June 20-24, 2012 Boulder, CO Society for Scientific Exploration — 31st Annual Conference Bonfire of the Paradigms

June-July 1994, First Convocation of the Academy of Consciousness at Princeton University.... where my understanding of reality was permanently shattered.... I would like to express my immense gratitude to physicist extraordinaire, Dr. Hal Puthoff, for “shattering my reality” as I knew it, on a beautiful summer day, many years ago, and for the opportunity to be part of this experience as a result of the incredibly visionary ground breaking work of the Princeton Anomalous Engineering Laboratories Team. In addition, I wish to thank as well the Society of Scientific Exploration, and its founding fathers, and all those I have met along this path, without whom, I could not have gathered the proper “balanced scientific education” not found in the present ivory towers of academia, and still, to this day, nearly impossible to find.

Who was there leading the charge at the first Academy of Consciousness...?

The core members or the International Consciousness Research Laboratories: 

Andrei Berezin, Research Scientist, Moscow Institute of Electronics & Mathematics, Moscow, Russia 
Richard Blasband. Director of Research, Center for Functional Research, Inverness, California 
Paul Devereux, Director, The Dragon Project Trust, Cornwall, England 
Brenda Dunne, Laboratory Manager, Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research, Princeton Univ. 
Robert Jahn, Professor of Aerospace Sciences and Dean Emeritus, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Princeton University 
Charles Laughlin, Professor of Anthropology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 
Fritz-Albert Popp. Director, International Institute for Biophysics, Kaiserlautern, Germany 
Harold Puthoff, Principal Scientist, Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, Texas 
Ian Walleczek, Research Scientist, Neurobiological Research Program, Pettis Memorial VA Medical Center, Loma Linda, California 
Mike Witunski, Vice President (ret.), McDonnell Douglas Corporation 

In addition, either attending or at large PEAR members 1994 : Joseph Arpaio, Sven Arvidson, Pedro Paolo Balbi de Oliveira, Julia Volkova, Philippe Boissinot, Marcie Boucouvalas, Edward Brennan, Guy Burneko, Ian Cook, Octavian Cristea, India K. Cutler, Robbie E. Davis-Floyd, Paul Devereux, Isabelle Druc, Francois Tochon, Wlodzislaw Duch, Gail Forster, Mark J. Friedman, Allan Hamrick, Bob Harbort, Jeremy Hayward, Michael Ibison, Roberts Jarski, John Qalbee Laird, Jean M Le Mee, Elliot McGucken, Evelyn Monsay, David Mühsam, Lyudmila Polonchuk, Lucia Roncallli, Joseph W. Sheridan, Tonu R. Soidla, Daniel P. Sullivan, Jeffrey Tollaksen, Chantal Toporow, Diane M. Vickery.

Bob Jahn's "Marching Orders": Create a complementarity by nurturing the Science of the Subjective so that both objective and subjective perspective work along side each other in such a way that it is "acknowledging and utilizing the innate consciousness strategies of association and assimilation to achieve a unity of self and not-self, in its search for a participatory role in the mechanics of creation.'"

MORE AT:  http://www.scientificexploration.org/docs/11/jse_11_2_jahn.pdf

August 17 to August 19th, 2007 7th Biennial European SSE Meeting  Roros, Norway Local SSE in attendance  http://www.scientificexploration.org EarthLights, Hessdalen, and Unexplained Phenomena ​followed by a Princeton Engineering Anomalies Laboratories meeting also in Roros.

May 31 - June 2, 2007, 26th Annual SSE Meeting, East Lansing, Michigan. Local SSE in attendance, http://www.scientificexploration.org

May 18th 2007, Friday, in Redondo Beach, 7:30 p.m.   The Global Consciousness Project is an outgrowth of the seminal work done by the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) lab at Princeton University.  Although the PEAR lab is closing its doors, the GCP continues to flourish...and continues to attract more and more mainstream media attention.  To understand the GCP and what it tells us about the nature of the universe, we need to understand the mechanism at its hub:  a tiny little instrument called the "MicroREG," a micro-sized Random Events Generator, sometimes called a Random Number Generator (RNG). At our May meeting, we will get to "play" with a MicroREG ourselves since Jan Louise Petersen has one!  Several years ago, Jan submitted a research proposal to the PEAR lab to run a MicroREG during a weekly meditation class she facilitated in Washington, DC.  After her proposal was accepted, she given a MicroREG and the necessary software to run it -- which she still has.  Jan will give an informal presentation about how the MicroREG was used in the PEAR lab's work, how it's used in the Global Consciousness Project, and discuss some of the results from using it in her meditation class.  After that, Ruth Monica Stedman will lead us in a meditation and we'll run the MicroREG.  Then we can see afterwards what it recorded and how the results show up as a "walk" in a graph. 

April 19th 2007, Thursday, in Redondo Beach, 7:30 p.m., we will have yet another very exciting evening! Dr. Joie Jones, Professor of Radiological Sciences, University of California, Irvine  will share with us his investigations on Subtle Energy Medicine Using Medical Imaging & Laboratory Methods, specifically: Studies of Pranic Healing and Acupuncture.  Brief Abstract: Medical imaging methods and conventional laboratory techniques provide unique tools for the quantitative evaluation of the healing process, even when brought about by non-conventional means. Here he will describe two seemingly disparate studies involving acupuncture and Pranic Healing, in which these methods are used as investigative tools. First, in the case of acupuncture, he will show (using functional magnetic resonance imaging or fMRI) that stimulation of specific vision related acupoints in the foot elicit increases in cortical blood flow in circumscribed regions of the visual cortex comparable in magnitude and brain location to those obtained by stimulation of the visual cortex by flashes of light.  In the case of Pranic Healing, Dr. Jones will present a summary of his studies conducted over the past decade, in which healers were able to mediate the effects of gamma radiation on cells in culture. These findings are difficult to explain in terms of the standard scientific paradigm. 

March 30th 2007, Friday, in Redondo Beach, 7:30 p.m. we have special guest which Jan has lined up for us:  Dr. Daniel Sheehan, professor of physics at the University of San Diego will discuss findings from the recent AAAS symposium he convened, entitled "Frontiers of Time:  Retrocausation Experiment and Theory."  Dean Radin, Roger Nelson, York Dobyns, Garret Moddel, Richard Shoup, Dick Bierman, Avshalom Elitzur, and many other esteemed colleagues were among the presenters at this symposium.   

February  8th 2007, Thursday, in Redondo Beach, 7:30 p.m., we will explore tarot cards, Dennie Gooding will share her experience and has suggested that if you have a set, please bring them.  We will then follow with Dennie's proposed website on intentions... we will explore how we make our own intentions as well as how to empower our own intentions as a group entity.

January 11th, 2007, Nand Harjani did some tarot readings for the group. I took copious notes to record the results for checking later after the events are anticipated.

Southern California's Salon for Exploring Scientific Anomalies 

Meetings support the work and mission of the Society for Scientific Exploration

The SSE is the premier generalist research society interested in scientific anomalies.

Salon Meetings since May 2004

The SSE is a US-based global professional organization of scientists and scholars who rigorously study unusual and unexplained phenomena and provide a professional forum for presentations, criticism, and debate concerning topics which are for various reasons ignored or studied inadequately within mainstream science. A secondary goal is to promote improved understanding of those factors that unnecessarily limit the scope of scientific inquiry, such as sociological constraints, restrictive world views, hidden theoretical assumptions, and the temptation to convert unusual findings into prevailing dogma. In addition, the SSE encourages "the crossing of traditional disciplinary boundaries, the challenging of established formalisms and values, and the integration of objective and subjective experiences in order to move human knowledge forward.."

The Southern California Group's goal is to ionize a local community with the joint focus of deepening one's sense of spiritual self-evolution, within the greater world paradigm shift. We address SSE type topics. Our Salon style meetings explore the mind-matter interactions, the nurturing of scientific exploration of anomalous phenomena, the investigations of subtle energies in the experience of consciousness, bioenergetics, and human potential. Our focus is to promote creativity and provide supportive dialog in order to nurture global healing through local action and direct personal experience. Past meeting topics are listed here below. You might want to start from the bottom of the page to get a chronological feel of our evolution.

International Institute of Biophotonics Summer School 2005

June 6th, 2019 Thursday through June 8th, Saturday:  38th annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration  “Consilience*: Developing the Foundations of a New Scientific Paradigm”  in Interlocken Broomfield, Colorado.    https://www.scientificexploration.org/conferences/2019

May 12th, 2019 Sunday at 6:30 pm at the Spitfire Grill Patio, Santa Monica General discussions

April 14th, 2019 Sunday at 6:30pm: Graciously hosted by Fritz Rohweder. Discussion of films that have themes of consciousness and deeper meanings.

March 21-23, Irvine, CA Dr. Omura will share his discoveries related to the clinical application of Optimal Dose DHEA, Optimal Dose Vitamin D3. http://www.bdort.org/seminars.html

January 11-13th, 2019, Houston, TX  Dr, Yoshiko Omura on Acupuncture and Electro-theraputics in Clinical Practice and the BDORT Method http://www.yoshiakiomuramd.com

2007 PEAR meeting in Roros, Norway 

May 28-30, 2015 Rockville MD Annual SSE conference “Making Connections" followed by Dale Graff's Remote viewing and Dreams Sunday workshop

"I have never been so happy.
May this rapture that excites me so never leave my joyful heart!"

Gioachino Rossini, Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Princeton Opera House, ,July 11, 2003


Aug 21, 2013, Wednesday, 730pm, Field Trip to MUFON meeting in Costa Mesa, SSE member Dr Bob Wood speaking on "Alien Viruses: Crashed  UFOs, MJ-12 and Biowarfare"

January 20th,  2013 Sunday at Craig and Florence's home in West Los Angeles. Nand has suggested that we revisit THE GREAT YEAR, this was presented by SSE member Walter Cruttenden in March 2005 and Nand thought that it would be timely to review and discuss many of this video's salient points as we start the new year. 

December 22sd, 2007, at 6:00 P.M in Santa Monica.  Our host will be Diane de la Vega. In the spirit of the holiday season we will convene early at 6 pm to enjoy the Pot's Luck!   Last month's topic on relationships is sure to be continued at this meeting! Padoum will continue to lead us into exploring the metaphysical nature of relationships, how we define relationships and how society does. Ava B will bring some interesting character questionnaires to share.  We'll continue to look into the past life dimensional aspects to relationships as well. Coincidentally, I will be the same day, Dec 22sd having a meeting in Roma, Italia with our Italian SSE contingency.  We will start planning for the Euro SSE conference 2009!!!  Most likely in Tuscania!!  

November 24th, 2007, at 6:30 P.M in Redondo Beach. The evening's topic will venture on relationships... and in keeping with the season... gratitude! Padoum will lead us into exploring the metaphysical nature of relationships.  We'd like to discuss how we define relationships and how society does.  Ava B will bring some interesting character questionnaires to share. We'll look into the past life dimensional aspects to relationships as well. With these webs constructed, we will plunge into the profound interpersonal nature of gratitude. There is very interesting psychological research underway on gratitude, here is an excerpt we might draw upon: Highlights from the Research Project on Gratitude and Thankfulness, Dimensions and Perspectives of Gratitude….Co-Investigators:  Robert A. Emmons, University of California, Davis and Michael E. McCullough, University of Miami. Synopsis: Gratitude is the “forgotten factor” in happiness research.  We are engaged in a long-term research project designed to create and disseminate a large body of novel scientific data on the nature of gratitude, its causes, and its potential consequences for human health and well-being. Scientists are latecomers to the concept of gratitude.  Religions and philosophies have long embraced gratitude as an indispensable manifestation of virtue, and an integral component of health, wholeness, and well-being.  Through conducting highly focused, cutting-edge studies on the nature of gratitude, its causes, and its consequences, we hope to shed important scientific light on this important concept.  This document is intended to provide a brief, introductory overview of the major findings to date of the research project.  For further information, please contact either of the project investigators.  We are engaged in three main lines of inquiry at the present time: (1) developing methods to cultivate gratitude in daily life, (2) developing a measure to reliably assess individual differences in dispositional gratefulness and (3) designing experimental studies that enable us to distinguish the differential causes and consequences of gratitude and indebtedness. 

October 27th, 2007, at 7:30 P.M in Redondo Beach.  We have a very exciting meeting planned on psychometry.   Psychometry is defined as: the hypothesized ability to obtain knowledge about an object, or about a person connected with it, through contact with the object. We'll be exploring this ability.  Craig Cooper Caldwell will be sharing with us three well documented, and museum quality objects dated from 500BC to 300AD from his private collection.  For those of you unable to attend the meeting, please feel free to do a "remote viewing" and email me your impressions, i.e., shapes and sizes of each of the three objects, colour, any decorative details, country of origin, etc.. and any other "impressions" you might capture.  Please email responses no later than October 27th 7 pm so they may be processed and presented as part of the local group experience that evening.  Those attending will be able to contact the objects and feel where it leads them.

September 29th, 2007 Saturday, in Redondo Beach, 7:30 p.m., please join us:  Jan, Dianne, Sacha and I will be discussing our experiences at the 7th Biennial European SSE Meeting  which was held August 17 to August 19th, 2007  Roros, Norway.  There were so many exciting topics!!!!  


December 16, 2004  General discussions. Ruth Monica Stedman joins us.

November 11, 2004 General discussions. Finalization of charter mission statement and compilation of mailing list

October 14, 2004 Combining our SSE and Noetic lists for a soiree/salon on “what the bleep” kind of a theme

August 12, 2004 Coordination, visionary plan July 21st, 2004, how to move forward as a Southern Californian group… Let's concentrate on scientists and intellectuals who are open to the new paradigm and like to use language respectfully and define terms and communicate clearly with proof and substantiation whenever indicated and possible. The challenge is to build a bridge to the academic community from the rational /intuitive philosophy/psychology tradition.

July 12, 2004 started an IONS' community group to cross-pollinate with the SSE local group taking form in order to have an excellent way to exchange ideas with like-minded people, and expand our knowledge of shared subjects of interest.

May 20–22, 2004 The Core Southern California SSE members, Nand, Eugene and Chantal meet at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration in Las Vegas, NV.  Sample topics: ASTROLOGY, CRYPTOZOOLOGY, HEALING/MIND BODY, OBJECTIVITY IN SCIENCE, UFOS & AERIAL PHENOMENA, CONSCIOUSNESS, PSI, REMOTE VIEWING, ETC... 


If you have a related topic or a speaker who would like to address our SSE Salon group,

please contact me, refer to the "CONTACT" tab at the top of this webpage.

Thank you! 


December 14, 2019: One of the foremost channels, award-winning author of "I am Word", and channel, Paul Selig leads an immersive & transformational channeled workshop for achieving personal growth and an unprecedented journey of self-development to achieve new levels of alignment, healing and life purpose. https://paulselig.com/about-paul/

November 20-24, 2019, Lake George NY, Biodynamic Farming Conference: "How farmers, gardeners, and land stewards can cultivate relationships within the interconnected realms of earth, cosmos, and community."  Over 700+ farmers here to learn to deep connections so as to provide us all with the highest possible sustainability.  Stepping towards a better scientific understanding of the hidden processes occurring deep within the biodynamic practices.  www.biodynamics.com/conference/2019/workshops

September 10- October 1st, 2019 "Exploring Extraordinary and Exceptional Experiences" teaching continuing education online course offered at the Rhine Institute providing an overview of the full range and depths of extraordinary and exceptional experiences, also known as anomalous events, including experiences of hallucinations, lucid and precognitive dreams, near-death and out-of body events, UFO sightings, alien abductions, psychokinesis, remote viewing, mysticism, anomalous healing, psi-events and past-lives. Exploring Extraordinary and Exceptional Experiences evaluates whether there are underlying similarities among all the phenomena and the issues with moving forward with a new scientific paradigm. http://www.rhineeducationcenter.org/edu/

Aug 3-18, 2019,  Institute of Biosensory Psychology, St Petersburg, Russia  "Training for Extrasensory Studies, Telekinesis, Clairvoyance, Healing and Self-healing". https://metaportalru.com/about/

July 26-28, 2019,  MUFON Symposium: "Embracing the Future", 50th Annual Int'l UFO Symposium is  featuring outstanding scientists, researchers and witnesses from around the world sharing what they know about UFOs and extraterrestrial life. www.mufon.com

December 11th 2006 , Monday, in Redondo Beach, 7:30pm .  For an encore ... we barely got going in November...  Dr. Eugene Carpenter will  continue  discussing the works of Alice Bailey and how they have impacted his life.    We'll also take the opportunity to honour the Holiday Festivities!   

November  6th, 2006, Monday, in Redondo Beach again, 7:30pm . Dr. Eugene Carpenter will be  discussing the works of Alice Bailey and how they have impacted his life.     Eugene writes:  " The Alice Bailey books are a series of books that I have found useful in the understanding of the perennial philosophy.  They are a systematic and thoughful presentation.  They were presented to the West about forty years after the death of Madame Blavatsky's body in about 1890. They are in fact a yoga in the sense that they can help sincere thinkers yoke or re-tie themselves to life and the philosophy of life.  They are a study of consciousness as opposed to relationships amongst material forms.   They seem  to exhibit a masterly display of the ability to organize and synthesize human experience so that consciousness of the physical,  emotional and mental states can be, from time to time, for most of us,  brought together into that formless intuitive buddhic state of consciousness that we commonly refer to as beauty/harmony and which represents the asthetic section of philosophy.  " 

 "All that we are is the result of what we have thought."  Buddha

November 12, 2009 Principals meeting - Jan, Nand and I reviewing our direction

October 23rd, 2009 8:00 P.M  Note the new time, it has proved to be popular as it gives people more time to get here on a Friday night.   Last month Ava B shared with us the movie SOMETHING UNKNOWN IS DOING WE DON’T KNOW WHAT which is about asking scientists about intuition and energy healing. We had some great discussions and we will continue those discussions at this meeting!!!! We do not have anything specific planned for this meeting - wild card!  Please bring a mini topic to discuss with the group your Tarot cards, whatever moves you for the group... or if you would like to share a mini report on a good book on anomalous events that you have recently read, bring it along!   Maybe we can make a list of the 2010 topics the group wants to explore and we can look at our resources to make it happen. Any recent anomalous experiences you have had, always please feel free to bring them and share with the group.

September 18th, 2009 8 pm Note the new time, it has proved to be popular as it gives people more time to get here on a Friday night.  Ava B would like to brainstorm with us in regards to the film SOMETHING UNKNOWN IS DOING WE DON’T KNOW WHAT which is about asking scientists  about intuition and energy healing.

...Scientists, despite their conclusions, are still very far from creating a full-fledged theory of dimensions because, in the study and description of the higher dimensions, they use the tools of the world of the third dimension and the five-sense perception.  It is like chasing the horizon - the faster we get closer to it, the faster it moves away from us. Again, this is the law of Nature - in order to break through to higher dimensions, you need, at least, to go beyond the limits of your own perception.  It is impossible to pull yourself out of the swamp by your bootstraps. To overcome these obstacles, methods are needed that would seem to a scientist to be completely "unscientific..."  

​The Laws of Nature,  Dimitri Tkhinvaleli

July 1-5, 2018, 22rd International Scientific Congress "Science. Information. Spirit" and Bio-Well Certification Program held in St. Petersburg, Russia

June 6-10, 2018 Las Vegas, NVThe SSE & IRVA Joint Conference "Applications of Edge Science"

June 1- 4, 2018, Indian Wells, CA, Contact in the Desert, (Largest UFO conference in the World), "The Year of Disclosure"  with the latest developments in the field, including the recently disclosed secret Pentagon UFO program.


December 19th, 2008 Friday at 7:00 pm Our Local SSE Salon will CELEBRATE this Holiday time of year in Redondo Beach with a potluck.  November slipped right by! Let's get together before 2009 is upon us and talk about what topics we want to explore for the coming year. We can also preview ideas for the SSE 2009 conference, somehow we need to figure out how to change the rules in science...  Let's see what our brainstorming might do... Let's try to imagine subjective science... bringing the humanity back... 

October 12th, 2008, Sunday at 6:30 P.M in Redondo Beach. Tom Lehrer will speak on the Essence of Reality. With a two-month west coast tour spanning Vancouver, BC, to San Diego, Tom Nehrer adds Redondo Beach SSE/IONS to his 50+ speaking engagements of 2008.  His appearances from Florida to Toronto, in the Netherlands and UK, New York City and Chicago and from Milwaukee to Denver to Taos to Nashville have brought deep insights to many open-minded groups – eliciting energetic acceptance at each talk. The Essence of Reality – A Clear Awareness of How Life Work  -  Cultural notions absorbed during childhood never clarify how Reality works.  They only mask life’s real flow: an integrated Oneness in which Consciousness manifests experienced Reality.  Spurred by an early mystic experience, Tom Nehrer’s long inner journey yielded intimate perception of life’s flow, expanding the once fleeting glimpse of that Oneness into ongoing awareness. Tom presents a view of Reality from his unique vantage point – seeing life without the distorting veil of belief and definition.  He delves into underlying mind functionality, self-image realization and the fulfillment of one’s own core nature embodied in encountered events and relationships. His web site, The Essence of Reality at www.nehrer.net, long accessed by readers world-wide, ever-more-frequent talks and now his book are expanding a low key approach into an ever wider offering to open-minded seekers. 

Sept 20, 2008  Parapsychology and Psychical Research joint Annual Meetings, Winchester, U.K.

August 23rd, 2008,  Saturday at 6:30 P.M in Santa Monica at the home of Diane de la Vega.  The topic selected by the group for this month's open discussion is "New Discoveries in Astronomy"

July 12th, 2008, Saturday at 6:30 P.M in Redondo Beach. Pot luck. Highlights of the Colorado SSE annual meeting highlights over dinner,  8-ish Jan would like to share with us a brief but effective meditation DVD she has been enjoying.  Most likely a dessert break, then... as an evening grand finale....Katherine will do a group hypnosis!   She will lead everyone through a guided hypnosis session where each participant will have their own unique experience.

June 26-28,2008 Annual SSE conference in Boulder, Colorado, Emerging Paradigms at the Frontiers of Consciousness and UFO Research.

July 2003, Princeton Engineering Anomalies Laboratory's "Academy of Consciousness" whose experimental agenda was studying the interaction of human consciousness with sensitive physical devices, systems, and processes, and developing complementary theoretical models to enable better understanding of the role of consciousness in the establishment of physical reality. In attendance:  Thomas Anderson, Jorge Moreno-Cantu, lan Cook, Martin Cufre, Adam M. Curry, T. Aaron Curtis , Sonia Deotto, IgorDolgov , Jeff Dunne, Avi Elitzur, Michael Franklin, Ulf Gausmann, Scott Gilmore, Elissa Hoeger, Michael Jordan, Liz Kendall, Andreas Lindblom, Herb Mertz, Vlad Moskovski, Caroline Mun, Greg Nelson , Lucia Roncallli, Michiel Schotten, Rebecca Taylor, Chantal Toporow, John Valentino. ICRL members: Brenda Dunne, Robert G. Jahn, Erling Strand Richard Blasband


August 12-16, 2009, Viterbo, Italy  Eighth European SSE conference on Frontiers of Biology and Contemporary Physics, Antonio Giuditta, Chair; Ulisse Di Corpo; Gerd H. Hovelmann; Stefano Siccardi; Erling P. Strand.

April 3rd, 2009,at 8:00 P.M in Redondo Beach.   Our speaker for the evening is Dawa Tarchin Phillips.  Dawa Tarchin Phillips grew up in a multicultural family in Europe and speaks English, German and French fluently. After being educated in Germany and the US, he pursued advanced studies in the arts on a World Study Scholarship from Virginia Commonwealth University, followed by a career in the entertainment industry. Within a few years, Dawa’s increasing desire to be of greater service to others propelled him to leave his music career behind in order to work with severely ill cancer and cardiac patients in Germany. While in his early twenties, Dawa met the late Tibetan Buddhist meditation master Lama Gendun Rinpoche and subsequently completed two 3-year meditation retreats under his guidance at Dhagpo Kundreul Ling in France. There, Dawa studied, practiced and taught as an ordained Buddhist monk for many years before resettling in the US in early 2008. His Tibetan name, "Dawa Tarchin" means "Accomplished Moon". Now a lay Dharma teacher, Dawa presently holds courses in the US and Europe, and serves as resident teacher of the Santa Barbara BodhiPath Buddhist Center in California. He devotes his time to study, practice and exploring the many applications of Buddhist teachings and philosophy in our fast-paced, modern world. Currently, Dawa is developing mindfulness and awareness programs for schools and corporations that go beyond the confinements of religious affiliation. He enjoys exchanging and interacting with people of all ages and from many backgrounds, faiths and professions.

March 6th, 2009,at 8:00 P.M. We will continue on the same topic as last time ... anomalous phenomena... unusual and unexplained phenomena that you might have experienced that would defy logic and science but yet that you unequivocally personally experienced.  In the end it is these very experiences that move us forward into the unknown realms remaining to be properly addressed by the sciences.  We look forward to being with you.

January 30th, 2009 Friday at 8:00p.m. The topic that the group would like to talk about is anomalous experiences... unusual and unexplained phenomena that you might have experienced that would defy logic and science but yet that you unequivocally experienced.  In the end it is these very experiences that move us forward into the unknown realms remaining to be properly addressed by the sciences. 


January 17-24, 2024 Asilomar Beach, CA 44th Ecological Farming Conference. Presenting a workshop on "Increase the Beauty and Bounty of your Farm and Garden with the Help of Nature Spirits" with Jenifer Bliss, founding member of the Felix Gillet Institute. https://eco-farm.org/conference


November 8-12, 2023 Biodynamic Farming Conference,  Westminster, Colorado, launching the US celebration of Biodynamic Agriculture’s 100th anniversary throughout 2024 https://www.biodynamicconference.com/

October 20-22, 2023 Online Encore of the 41st annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration  “Maverick Science” https://maverickscienceencore.eventzilla.net/web/e/online-encore-41st-annual-sse-conference-2138617968

September 14-18, 2023 Epidaurus, Greece, The Galileo Commission, Expanding the Scope of Science. "Looking forward towards the Origins: towards a Self-Reflexive, Post-materialist Science of Consciousness through deep and intimate Bohemian dialogues" https://galileocommission.org/

July 23-26th, 2023 In person 41st annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration  “Maverick Science”  in Bloomington, Indiana with a special session on Subjective Science.    https://maverickscience.eventzilla.net/web/event?eventid=2138590135

As a result of the ongoing pandemic social restrictions the SSE now has a fourfold approach to reach out to our members. Become a member for maximum benefits! https://www.scientificexploration.org
1. SSE has started monthly ZOOM meetings for its students April 2020,
2. SSE also has monthly FULL members meetings
3. And we have monthly Airmeets for all our SSE levels of membership: 
        Associate, Full Student, Emeritus and Sustaining Members... 
4. There are also plans to open a new class of meetings to anyone with the hopes of garnering new membership and support to continue the work of the SSE under the pandemic conditions. 

September 10-12, 2021  International Remote Viewing Annual Virtual Conference: Discover the Latest Research and Application of Remote Viewing with Experts  https://www.irva.org/irva-conference

August 30- Sept 2, 2021, 2nd International Conference on Biodynamic Research Growing Beyond Resilience https://www.sektion-landwirtschaft.org/en/research/bdrc21

July 23-31, 2021, Online Joint conference of the Society for Scientific Exploration & the Parapsychological Association Connections https://www.scientificexploration.org/conferences/

​July 8-11, 2021 Qigong Energetic Fasting Bigu workshop, Dr Kevin Chen, online. http://yang-sheng.com/?p=12117

April 10 - November 13, 2021 A Season of Biodynamics “Beings, and relationships between beings, is all that exists,” according to biodynamic founder Rudolf Steiner.  Farming and gardening is embedded in this reality: from the living soil balancing the climate above and the rock below, giving soul to a place; to the artistic forms, colors, and growth of plants expressing the stars and planets out of a breathing earth; to the wiggling, walking, and winged animals moving through a landscape; to our activities, working with the nature spirits, weaving it all together, reaching out into community. www.biodynamics.com


2020 Joint conference of the Society for Scientific Exploration(SSE) and the Parapsychological Association (PA) "Connections" "2020 Vision" addressing the past, the present, and the future, and lay a foundation from which we can step forward in discovery. Postponed due to COVID-19.  

November 11-15, 2020, ZOOM Biodynamic Farming Conference, Seeding the Spirit of Stewardship: Climate, Agriculture, & Community   www.biodynamics.com/conference

August 28, 2020 11;30am PST AIRMEET  Join your fellow SSE members for a "watch party" of Bill Bengston's SSE presidential address.  We'll be enjoying a virtual banquet room hosted by Airmeet, 
where you can see old friends and meet new ones before and after this short, 30 minute video. 
We can't gather in person, but this will be the next best thing. Come (re)connect in this new modality with your friends and colleagues. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER: https://www.airmeet.com/e/41b1fd20-e31a-11ea-8fad-b74bfc863204

August 22, 2020 5 pm ZOOM meeting to facilitate  the COVID-19 social distancing parameters.

July 18, 2020, 9-5pm Frequency Medicine Summit: Light Medicine, Sound and Vibration Medicine, Microcurrent medicine, EMF protection, Frequency+Amplitude+Phase= Incorporating the Wave for Human Transformation, host: Dmitri  Leonov, TransTech Lab


July 16-31, 2020 Qigong-4 Seminar - Soft Qigong: Soft White Crane, Taiji Qigong. & Dao De Jing and Qigong Seminar - Theory & Practice. More here: https://ymaa.com/seminars 

May 2020Scaling Biodynamics to Fit your Needs - Four part webinar. Practical ways to implement biodynamics on a small scale.           


TBD, 2020, 2:00-6:00pm in Redondo Beach "Energize your Intuition and Intelligence through using the I-Ching" Workshop.   Real life does not only rely on mere “pure rational causal” chains of events! There are also, so called, synchronicity events which are bound together because they are creating Meaning. With the I Ching, you learn how to trigger such events! Integrating the I Ching in its proper life contributes to enhance the meaningfulness of your everyday life. You will learn how to  analyze and understand the I Ching hexagram models to better shape your own destiny and manage the changes in your life. Workshop in Redondo Beach Saturday 2-6pm, Sunday 10am-5pm. www.yintelligence.ch  Postponed due to COVID-19

September 15-18, 2016, Dornach  Switzerland, International Annual Conference of the Medical Section at the Goetheanum, on the topic "Serving Life - Transformational Processes in the Realms of Substance, Human Destiny, Spiritual Development and Self-Education" Presented workshop with Eleanor Eliasz-Ladosz entitled "Phenomenology of the Encounter, Working with Destiny using the Goetheanic Observation Method"  www.medsektion-goetheanum.org

January 9th, 2016 Saturday, 630pm at Chantal’s– Our SSE’s very own Adam M. Curry will be joining us to share his "Entangled", the new consciousness app project.

SSE 2019 Interlocken, CO


Dec 12th, 2005 The more elusive non tangible aspects of nutrition... Everyone to be prepared to share their consciential paradigms on this daily activity which sustains us all. We will also venture on the topic of spiritual nutrition.

November 14th  2005 Dr. Elena Nedelcu shared with us her experiences with stem cells and their potential therapeutic applications. She explained what is a stem cell, how the new research is challenging the old paradigm about stem cells, what is stem cell plasticity and how this could be useful in regenerative medicine. The issue of how a stem cell decides to be what it will morph into, i.e. heart vs bone, etc., was most interesting.

October 10th, 2005 The group decided at the last meeting for each of us to bring a personal anomalous life experience to share with the group.

September 20, 2005  discussion on Chantal’s  week at the International Institute of Biophotonics in Germany whose mission is to explore the reasons of the morphological and functional stability of the living systems, to investigate the role of the electromagnetic fields in the functioning of the living systems , to expand  knowledge of the intercellular communication and to apply special capabilities to technical and scientific problems of practical interest

August 2005  General Meeting held at Dianne DelaVega's home while I was at Biophoton Institute in Neuss, FDR

July 12th  2005 "Exploring Bionergetics"  Nand Harjani leading the group on the various modalities of bioenergetic work. Some of this discussion stems from our attending the national SSE conference in Florida this May. Jan Petersen joins from Las Vegas mailing list SSE.  SSE member, Lev Sadovnik, also joins us.

June 4th, 2005   Eugene Carpenter’s Orb exploration with Luca: Imants Baruss case

May 19-21. 2005 Group Field Trip to the Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration in Gainesville, Florida, Sample Topics: SKEPTICISM and  SCIENTIFIC METHOD.

April 28, 2005 Eugene starts our ‘library” back issues of SSE Journals, SMN Journals.  

March 16 2005 Walter Cruttenden  on his documentary movie "The Great Year"  http://www.thegreatyear.com/  The Great Year, is the term that some ancient civilizations use to describe the slow precession of the equinox through the twelve houses of the ancient zodiac, a period that takes about 24,000 years. This was followed with discussion on how this might all affect consciousness over the long term, and also how trace amounts of certain invisible light spectrum might in some way awaken certain subtle cerebral spinal centers.

February 24th, 2005, recap of  the Feb 18-21st International Qi Gong workshop in San Francisco

Jan 27th, 2005 Recap of IONS Noetic’s Global Peace Conference, Bali, Dianne de la Vega joins us.

March 7, 2020, 7pm Redondo Beach. Local SSE Salon with SSE President Bill Bengston! He will discuss his Bengston Energy Healing ​in our small intimate setting.  https://bengstonresearch.com/workshops

February 16, 2020, 7 pm Truxton Bistro, Westchester. Informal gathering to discuss upcoming activities

January 5, 2020, 7:15 pm Very last minute impromptu Salon meeting in Redondo Beach, recap of 2019 activities and looking forward into 2020 activities. Annual SSE Conference joint with PA Call for Papers announced: https://www.scientificexploration.org/conferences/2020

​September 15-20, 2015 The Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland, Section of Anthroposophic Medicine on "Dignity of the Human Body" www.medsektion-goetheanum.org

May 8th, 2008, at 7:30 P.M in Redondo Beach. "Spiritual Evolution and Out-of-Body Experiences"! This presentation will be given by Luis Minero of the Los Angeles office of the International Academy of Consciousness (IAC).   The Out-of-Body-Experience (OBE), also known as astral projection, is a natural phenomenon in which the consciousness (soul, spirit) leaves the physical body. The OBE is a completely different phenomenon from either an ordinary dream or a lucid dream. It is a real situation experienced in another dimension.  Some of the other related subjects covered by IAC courses include: spiritual and evolutionary consequences, understanding death, the role of extraphysical helpers (guides), the use of bioenergies to assist and heal others, the study of the subtle bodies, paranormal manifestation, karma, spiritual maturity, the undestanding of the non-physical body, and others. The IAC is a non-profit research and educational organization that studies the consciousness (soul, spirit, essence), placing special emphasis on the out-of- body experience (OBE), vital energy mastery, and other multidimensional manifestations. 

April 17th, 2008, at 7:30 P.M in Redondo Beach. The topic the group chose for this time is, again (!), after so many times already, "destiny versus fate..."!  

 March 15th, 2008, at 7:30 P.M in Redondo Beach. The topic we will be exploring will be "The Holographic Universe and Tarot"! If you have a Tarot deck, bring it, we will be using multiple tarot decks in concert. And if you have the Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot, you might give it a skim through again. Or just come and be inspired to "explore" .... 

February 23rd, 2008, at 7:00 P.M in Redondo Beach. Ava B will be sharing the movie MILAREPA with us.  Ava B negotiated the deal for the international and the domestic US distribution of the movie, and she is one of the producers of the sequel. We will discuss it and give her feedback for the sequel she will produce.  MILAREPA, directed by lama and filmmaker Neten Chokling (Bhutan), is the story of Tibet’s greatest yogi, a real-life historical figure who lived in the 11th century.  MILAREPA is the first feature film to be directed by Neten Chokling, a Buddhist lama and head of a monastery in India. The film has extraordinary production values and was shot on the Indo-Tibetan boarder using a cast and crew of over 70 monks from Neten Chokling’s monastery.   The movie's website is:  MILAREPA got positive reviews by many of the leading papers and magazines.  These are listed on the movies’ website: www.milarepamovie.com



June 9th-11th, 2011, Boulder, Colorado  SSE Annual Conferece: SSE at the Forefront of Science. Implications of Non-locality: Larry Dossey; Pamela Rae Heath - The Science of the Subjective: Robert Jahn & Brenda Dunne; Dean Radin - Consciousness and Living Systems: Rollin McCraty; Larissa Cheran - Practical Applications of Anomalies Research: Francesca McCartney; John McMichael - The Sociology of Scientific Evolution: Walter Cruttenden; Jonathon Schooler.

January 30th, 2011, Sunday at 6:00pm.  During our December meeting we agreed upon exploring the topic of ... fear...  That, which can propel us either, into the dark abyss, or into courage to move into the Light... From personal fears to the societal culture of fear, fear can become its own self-fulfilling prophecy. Fear is often examined in relation to specific issues; it is rarely considered as a sociological problem in its own right. Over the years, our group has come to witness the awakening consciousness within us... Let us look at how all this can be put to work for us to fully realize our potentials...  Before our meeting, please consider privately meditating on the power of love to heal the emptiness of fear.  Sardello, a follower of Rudolf Steiner, in his book Freeing the Soul from Fear states that we can counter the pervasive influence of fear by strengthening the competence of our soul.... Remember that we know we can deliberately try to program right thoughts into our head every single day. This is the best way to change the picture of fear into one of victory. Let us explore this and support each other in this life endeavor.... Our deepest fear is   not   that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.


December 19, 2010 Sunday at 6:00 pm.  Many expressed an interest in just getting together to share experiences, lessons learned over the past year, celebrate life's joys, etc. so please come join us in this year-end celebration. I suggest everyone think of a book they read this year, or maybe a movie that they saw, that they might have found very pivotal, and share what they have learned from it and how others can learn from it.

November 14, 2010 Sunday at 6:00 pm. We will view "The Living Matrix" followed by discussion. "The Living Matrix - The New Science of Healing" (2009)  'In this full length film (:85) you'll discover the intricate web of factors that determine our well-being.  From the quantum physics of the human body-field to heart coherence and informational healthcare, you will explore innovative ideas about health.  Scientists, psychologists, bio-energetic researchers and holistic practitioners share their knowledge, experience and insights.'

October 10, 2010, Sunday 500pm. at the Caldwell residence. We will discuss the current trend of energy and where are we headed.

April 30th, 2010  Saturday, in Redondo Beach.  "And now for the GOOD news…" by Cher Gilmore, and she comes highly recommended via Pierre and Dianne!  Cher will share the remarkable changes are beginning to take place in the world, most below the radar of the average person and the mass media. They are the seeds of a beautiful new civilization, gradually sprouting in all fields – social, political, economic, scientific, environmental. In this presentation you will learn about some of these exciting new developments, ways of being, and blueprints for the future; the spiritual reality behind them; and what you can do to help speed the transformation.   Cher holds a BA in Psychology from George Washington University; an MSW with a specialty in Community Organization from University of California, Berkeley; and an MURS (Master of Urban and Regional Studies) from the City Planning Department, University of Southern California. She is currently Media Coordinator for Share International USA, and has organized and managed various projects, organizations, or businesses over the years.  These include a bookstore and healing center, a Center of Light based on New Thought teachings, an alternative newspaper focusing on spirituality, health and political action, and a Global Relationship Center which gave transformational weekend workshops for emotional healing.

March 30th, 2010 Wednesday, in Redondo Beach. For those of you receiving this for the first time as SSE members in Southern California, please email us to confirm that you are interested and we will send you the directions to the meeting. We usually meet on the weekends but we have Dr. Mark Urban-Lurain in town, and he has graciously agreed to come speak to our group while he is here on business!!!  Mark is the Director of Instructional Technology Research & Development at Michigan State University,  and he is also on the Council for the SSE and is the Society's Executive Committee. Astrology is an anomaly that has been scientifically studied since the 1950s with conflicting outcomes (the Gauquelins, skeptic groups, Westrum).  Mark came to realize that one of the challenges presented by astrology is that it transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries. The goal is not simply to reframe astrology into the languages of other “accepted” disciplines, but to broaden our understanding of the world, the richness of which cannot be captured in the narrow language of any one discipline – including astrology. He will discuss with us methodological challenges in astrological research, and discuss ways to address them and discuss ways to address them. This will be followed with a general Q&A for our group.

January 31st, 2010 at 5:00 pm.  We have a wonderful topic to start off the new year. The Gaia Theory says that the planet Earth is a living organism.  What evidence is there that this is so, and what are the implications? And if the planet is alive, can it evolve intelligence?  Richard Omura will discuss these questions with us and present possibilities.

January 2sd, 2010 Principals meeting at Chantal's.

Dec 9th, 2012, Sunday, 730pm, West Los Angeles, at the Caldwell residence Chantal sharing details of this year's European SSE meeting in Ireland, and Jan and Sandy sharing details from the National SSE meeting in Boulder, Colorado. We have not met in a while as I, Chantal, have a fairly large remodel under way and the house is essentially still mostly plywood and 2x4 studs and beams! Very exciting but most disruptive to our SSE Salon. Big thanks to the Coopers for hosting this gathering to keep us going.


​November 16-20, 2016, Santa Fe, NM, TIERRA VIVA Farming the Living Earth the biodynamic community shares their groundbreaking work from all over the globe. Farm tours, and more than 50 workshops explore topics like Biodynamic Permaculture, Collaborative Farming, Holistic Landscape Ecology, The Spirit of Healing Plants, and Water Resilience on the Farm.  https://www.biodynamics.com/what-is-biodynamics#

November 13, 2016 Sunday, at Chantal’s Sharing of the 35th Annual Conference of the Society for Scientific Exploration and the 59th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association (PA) held in Boulder, Colorado, in June 2016, with the theme:  “Accessing the Exceptional, Experiencing the Extraordinary”.

October 21-25, 2016 Sigtuna, Sweden: SSE Euro, SSPR (Swedish Society for Parapsychological Research) and the Centre Agora for Biosystems held in Sigtuna, Sweden.  The theme for the conference was:  "Life and Mind - The Challenges" with the sub-themes: 1) Quantum biology 2) EM fields in biology and 3) Brain and mind (alternative Consciousness). Poster presented: "Phenomenology of the Encounter, Working with Destiny using the Goetheanic Observation Method"



Sept 21, 2014, Sunday 6 pm at Chantal’s Discussion of 33rd Annual North American SSE Meeting, June 5-7, 2014, San Francisco, CA, "Mysterious Universe" with Program Chair Adam M. Curry and the 57th Annual Convention of the Parapsychology Association, August 14-17th, 2014 Concord, CA, Program Chair Dr. Dean Radin.

July 20, 2014, Sunday 6pm,Thousand Oaks, CA. Seance of the German "materialization medium" Kai Muegge. Not amazing. Bogus. https://www.scientificexploration.org/videos/investigation-of-the-felix-experimental-group-a-status-report

January 21, 2014, Tuesday, 6 pm, Claremont, CA. Seance with the physical mediumship of Australian David Thompson, which typically involves ectoplasmic materialization phenomena. Official "Inspector" pre-seance to ensure no trickery. His website: http://circleofthesilvercord.net/  A documentary on Ectoplasm: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QuMnBqH1Hk