Jerry Tennant: Healing is Voltage -- The Physics of Emotions | EU2017 In my opinion one of the most critical videos to learn about how your body works and how to keep it healthy!
Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming's "The Scientific Foundation of Chinese Qigong" is one of the best simple videos on this topic out there.
Dr, Yang video on Qi Gong (1 of 3) in many steps. Donate to his cause! Dr Yang rocks!
Dr. Sergey Fedotov rocking it big time with his research in Vladivostok!
Dr. Omura's research and his International College of Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics
He invented the bi-digital O-ring test, and so much more info here: and
"Every person has good seeds and bad seeds in their mind. The ones you water are the ones that will grow. Always smile at people because that is water for the good seeds!” - Shi Yan Ti (释延提) Read anything & everything by Dr. Fritz Popp by Matti Pitkanen a Finnish theoretical physicist who, for the last 37 years, has committed himself to Topological Geometrodynamics. TGD is a noble attempt to construct a theory of everything, not forgetting consciousness. about Nikolai Levashov and his life's work on Knowledge and its numerous mysteries of Life, a structure of the Universe, Spirit, Mind and many other things
Dr. Pjotr Garjajev's work explaining that DNA is not just a blueprint for constructing the body; it is also a storage medium for optical information as well as an organ for communication.
Dr. Jeffrey Long "Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences."
Water diviner Peter Taylor is an award winning professional dowser with 30 years of experience, having located over 1070 boreholes, wells and well as concealed site features, archaeology, natural resources such as oil, gas and minerals etc. Lucky to have met him in 2018 at the annual conference!
The Empire of Acupuncture is a site for acupuncturists and anyone interested in health whose goals are to: 1. Place acupuncture at the centre of the healthcare model. 2. Provide audits (and CEUs and CPD's) to guide practitioners in best practice. 3. Provide a professional forum for acupuncturists, researchers and all interested in health
One of the better places to go chasing after this particular slippery pig!
Dr. Roger Nelson's Global Consciousness Project
Good place for Scalar wave stuff
The Secrets of Water, the documentary of Dr. Viktor Schauenberger "comprehend and Copy Nature"
All about the Bosnian Pyramids ... you need to know this!
Great work by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, who has published over 400 papers in leading journals on physics and biology, and he holds 15 patents on biophysics inventions.
Dr Gabriel Felley's work on "Visualizing" the Morphic Fields with the Yi Jing (I Ching) & Synchronicity
You really want to watch this controversial movie about root canals causing quite a stir and being suppressed. No root canals! Each acupuncture meridian runs through your teeth, & a root canal will "short circuit" that particular meridian associated with the particular tooth in question. Spread the word!
This is pretty darn good to give you a taste of Forbidden Archaeology, a lecture by Michael Cremo for Talks at Google, pretty amazing and forward thinking of Google to invite him.
If you're mesmerized and puzzled by the archaeological new interpretations, then why not dabble a bit with Graham's "Magicians of the Gods" and some astounding digs that should be talked about more...
And if the last two entertained you thoroughly, then graduate on toward von Daniken, whose 1968 book we all remember, Chariots of the Gods. He is doing very interesting work looking at direct translations of ancient texts working with academic linguistic scholars, and this is shining new light onto the early interpretations (think of how the "telephone game" distorts the original meaning as it makes the round).
Klint founded and became the leader of a group called The Five. The group was a circle of women who believed in the importance of staying connected to the high masters in the spiritual realm. Check it out!
“The positive thinker sees the invisible,
feels the intangible and achieves the impossible.”
"Our worldview shapes our world experience.
There is no such thing as a world.
There are only world views.
The key to living a life of miracles is
to know and experience your physical body as made of nothing,
and to know that your mind is connected to all minds...
Your body is part of the one body of the universe...
Your mind is part of the one universal mind."
Deepak Chopra ( )
Altruistic Engineering Consultancy
AEC is devoted to empowering interdisciplinary ventures
with creative strategies, & solution engineering.
AEC is committed to thinking globally and acting locally for deepening culture,
encouraging sustainability and enhancing the public good.
"Start by doing what's necessary;
then do what's possible;
and suddenly you are doing the impossible."
St. Francis of Assisi
Nurturing Nature through Wholistic Education,
Rigorous Science, Creative Arts, and Cultural Depth
"When I found out who I really was,
I discovered that I am not in the Mind, but the Mind is me;
I’m not in the body, but the body is me;
I’m not in the World, but me World is me;
curving back within myself I create again and again;
in essence, I am That which creates all of That - I am That, you are That,
All this is That, and That’s All there Is;
if you find That, then you have it All."
The Vedas
OCTOBER 2, 2006.
So the next great big leap I personally believe that we will be taking is....
Drum Roll please....
E= I exp((-omega/Q)t)**n=I exp(-gamma* t)**n... something or other like this... it is so simple!
E is energy, it's everywhere, in living AND non-living objects. You make an object, you have put your energy signature into it. Waldo Vieira referred to this as a THOSENE. The term thosene is a neologism formed from the words THOught, SEntiment and ENErgy, and implies the inseparability of the energetic components constantly being generated by the consciousness. Energy... and how it relates to Information. Nikola Tesla said it best: "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
I is information ( be it in our mechanistics, deterministic "reality", or be it totally untangible, inconscious "non reality" ),
Omega takes care of this real and imaginary component to the equation.. we are talking complex numbers here with real & imaginary parts ( aka 'normal' ( ha) and 'anomalous' parts)! Think Yin and Yang, Objective and Subjective... We must have anomalies in the equation, science to date has done all they could to scrub out the human experience, removing the scientist completely from the experiment, when in fact, there are accountable interactions as demonstrated over the years by Jahn and Dunne.
Q is the quality factor, the pure number equal to omega/gamma, gamma being the reciprocal of time ( or whatever floats your boat), the 'qualia' if you like... your resonance parameter.... From Wikipedia: "The term qualia derives from the Latin neuter plural form (qualia) of the Latin adjective quālis (Latin pronunciation: [ˈkʷaːlɪs]) meaning "of what sort" or "of what kind" in a specific instance like "what it is like to taste a specific apple, this particular apple now"." My emphasis on the NOW, as we are slowly realizing the existence of parallel realities, see work by Imants Baruss, and also independently, with his Multiverse model, Simeon Heim.
t, time, or, if broader minded, is whatever floats your boat n, is the mutuality.. some n dimensional entity... aka 'coherence' (or lack thereof, depending on brightly one shines or not and effect on the interior and exterior world (whatever that means!) actually you know I am not kidding about any of this!
It's all about Energy, it's the message carrying the Information, be it physical or not, with unique levels of coherency and resonance...
Let's make that.. "first person" energy emitted/absorbed/received , quoting F. Varela et al... (Journal of Consciousness Studies Vol.6, No. 2–3, 1999, pp. 1–14)..."subjective experience refering to to the level of the user's of one's own cognitions, of intentions and doings in everyday practices..." .. and of course the implied "second" and "third person" energy... as this 'bounces around' either constructively amplifying ( evolution of genes and memes and thosenes, etc.) or destructively dampening ( extinction of genes and memes and thosenes, etc)... our NOW...
As Sir Arthur Eddington asked, "Is the ocean composed of water or of waves, or of both? Some of my fellow passengers on the Atlantic were emphatically of the opinion that it is composed of waves; but I think the ordinary unprejudiced answer would be that it is composed of water" .........this ain't no ordinary unprejudiced answer we are looking for!
Both opinions are as valid, to the ones pucking ( their direct experience I sumise) and to the ones not... disagreement or agreement seems moot.....
OCTOBER 20, 2018.
In the end, the big gorilla in the room that no one seems to see, or pay much attention to, is the balancing of the overly dominant objective approach, to the more discredited subjective approach. Goethe’s more subjective scientific methods, though pushed aside by the dominant Newtonian objective science, are equally enduring and valid as we move forward in integrating a more holistic understanding of the world around us and fully develop our understanding of the inherent nature of the inter-subjectivity of knowledge. This must be balanced out in order to reap the vastness of extraordinary human experiences, which are real, yet totally unrepeatable.
Current objective science requires us to repeat experiments to drive forward the theories of our universe. To do this, the scientist must remain impartial, detached, and nonexistent in the "experiment". Millions of people have near death experiences, past life memories, etc. yet those once in a lifetime non-repeatable events can not be used in furthering science as we know it. As an example, Dr. Jeffrey Long, has scientifically studied over 4000 near death experiences, even in circa 1505-1515, a dutch painter from Brabant, Hieronymus Bosch, painted in exquisite detail the very same human experience that is being manifested today, yet is dismissed by conventional science. We need to start to take into account those subjective experiences in their totality across time and space.
I still remember it as if it were today, we were at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research's Academy of Consciousness in the 80's, when Paul Devereux, Founding co-editor of Time & Mind - Journal of Archaeology, Consciousness and Culture, had just returned from a conference at Oxford, and he commented "if only archaeologists would talk about their experiences while on the sites, it would change science as we know it"... I repeat, We need to start to take into account all those individual subjective experiences in their totality, and amalgamate the very essence of our human nature and consciousness. Only in this wholistic approach can science truly move forward.
Thank you for your attention... and I'll leave that at that... ( for now!)